“My son William had been having various digestive problems. He frequently had stomach ache, felt sick and would get pains in his chest. He also had problems with loose bowels.

We attended the gut investigation unit where various tests were performed such as breath test, food allergy prick test, stool sample and blood test. The blood test he was particularly worried about but Femi put him at ease and used the magic cream and he didn’t even feel it. The blood test had to be repeated and he didn’t worry about it the second time.

The result was that he had a milk and fructose intolerance.

There was difficulty reintroducing and we also paid for a trip to see a dietician for his input and analysis that William was getting essential nutrients.

We have worked with this for the last year and changed his diet. He can get away with small amounts of fructose and the occasional bit of cheese on pizza. We still have the odd time that he will complain of feeling sick or having stomach ache but these are not very frequent. Would totally recommend a trip to the unit to see Dr Li and Femi, William has felt so much better since”.

Thanks again for your help Femi.

